PixScan mat error - problem solved!

One of the most interesting features of the Cameo plotter is the PixScan mat. But my (and not only mine) first try was a failure. I've wasted a lot of time and each time got an error: failed to detect registration marks. After an Internet search I found many advises, but none of them worked. I tried to load the mat a little bit more on the right or on the left, to rotate it, to use stronger light or to work in the daylight, to set the sensor manually...  Still the same error.

Finally I began to read negative comments at Amazon.com. And... there was the solution: I turned the flashlight on on my phone and was shining it right at the registration marks. I tried and it really works! The optic scanner of the device needs a good light, but not only its power is important, also a direction. So, don't place your lamp over the device, as we usually do, working at the table. The source of light should be more on the left and quite low, shining actually into the device - as on the photo below.

I also noticed it's better to close the file after each fail and start everything from the beginning instead of only trying to register the marks again after changing the light position.


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